Summary details for Grave
All archaeological sites and remains in Namibia are protected by law (National Heritage Act 27 of 2004). Some incidental protection is provided by the Environmental Management Act (7 of 2007) which includes man-made features in its definition of the environment.
Recorders should not collect anything from the site, ever.
You should never moisten paintings to enhance them for photography.
Two types are distinguished: pre-colonial and Christian. Pre-colonial graves are round stone cairns of varying size. Christian graves are elongate and oriented (roughly) east-west and often though not always with a headstone at the west extremity. Settlements and grave sites are significant and often highly visible features of the archaeological landscape in the Namib. Most of these sites are less than 1,000 years old and they often contain important material evidence of desert subsistence strategies. Grave sites may be construed as evidence of traditional land ownership.
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