Summary details for Nicotiana glauca
Wild tobacco
Nicotiana glauca
Common names: Wild tobacco (English); Wildetabak (Afrikaans); Wilder Tabak (German); Otjitabakomboma (Herero); Tápàga.b/s (Khoekhoegowab)
Origin: South America
Tall, slender, drooping, untidy, evergreen shrub up to 4m high (sometimes taller). Stems smooth, green. Leaves broadly ovate or elliptic, leathery, waxy blue-green; margins smooth; petioles long. Flowers long-tubular, yellow, carried in hanging clusters near nranch tips. Seed capsules ovoid, papery, brown when mature, opening near tip to release numerous tiny, dark brown-black seeds.
Common to abundant in Namibia, mostly in dry rivers and disturbed areas such as road verges. Highly invasive due to huge quantities of seeds. Should urgently be destroyed whenever it is found. Leaves poisonous to humans and animals.
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