Latest records added

These are the latest records added, for all species. Click on any row in the table to highlight the record on the map. Use the question mark icon to click on the map and highlight the associated row in the table. For security reasons, black rhino, white rhino and pangolin are not shown. If you have a legitimate need for records of these species, contact us.

Species Date Recorder
Proteles cristata | Aardwolf
04/04/2024Sack, Jessica
Oenanthe monticola | Mountain Wheatear
27/12/2023Tony Robertson, Alice Jarvis
Oryx gazella | Oryx
31/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Tragelaphus strepsiceros | Kudu, Greater
31/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Raphicerus campestris | Steenbok
22/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Phacochoerus africanus | Warthog, Southern
22/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Antidorcas marsupialis | Springbok
22/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Connochaetes taurinus | Wildebeest, Blue
22/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Genetta genetta | Genet, Small-spotted
22/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Chamaeleo dilepis | Common Flap-neck Chameleon
22/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Equus burchelli | Zebra, Burchell's
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Hippotragus equinus | Roan
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Tragelaphus strepsiceros | Kudu, Greater
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Aepyceros melampus | Impala, Common
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Phacochoerus africanus | Warthog, Southern
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Tragelaphus strepsiceros | Kudu, Greater
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Aepyceros melampus | Impala, Common
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Loxodonta africana | Elephant, African
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Phacochoerus africanus | Warthog, Southern
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew
Kobus leche | Lechwe, Red
21/03/2024Walters, Matthew

Latest records map

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